Initiatives & Projects

The Teacher Advisory Council has three prioritized areas of focus for the 2023-2024 school year: shared professional learning, new teacher support, and Innovation awareness.


Shared Professional Learning

The TAC will host Zone-wide professional learning events on August 11, 2023, and January 2, 2024. Each event will allow educators to participate in a facilitated discussion with educators who teach the same content area at other LLN schools. Additionally, educators will have the option to attend a session on the following interest-based topics:

  • Anti-racist education

  • Social-emotional learning

  • Trauma-informed practice

  • Spanish-based instruction

New Teacher Support

TAC members will serve as mentors and host bi-monthly meetings designed to serve as a resource for new teachers - both those new to the field of education, and new to the LLN/DPS. Creating space for connection outside of the educators’ day-to-day buildings will provide new teachers the chance to gain additional perspective and points of support in their new role.

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Innovation Awareness

TAC members will use social media, current in-school communication platforms, and time at planned TAC events to speak about:

  • Progress on the TAC’s priority activities for the year

  • The importance of Innovation, and the benefits for students

  • Key updates from the LLN

  • Successes during the school year